Your Money Is Your Life: The Book Series

Posted by billspaced | 5:28 AM | 0 comments »

Yes, you read that right: The Books. I think I'll be writing several eBooks rather than just one. One book with all the material I'm planning to write about would weigh more than The Phone Book (I know, it's an eBook so it weighs nothing, but you get my point -- it would be long).

So here's the idea: I will write an eBook on each of the following topics, maybe more. Each eBook will cost between $5 and $10. Buy multiples in the series, get a discount. Buy the whole series, get a bigger discount.


  • Earning
  • Spending
  • Saving
  • Preserving
  • Investing
  • Multiplying
In my initial post, Your Money Is Your Life, The Book, I talked about writing a book on all of those things. Now, due to a slight change in strategy (really, practicality), I am calling this

(get ready)

(wait for it)

Your Money Is Your Life, The Book Series

I may choose to publish out of order. For example, I may finish the Investing book before I finish the Earning book. Odds are, I'll make whatever I've finished available. It doesn't matter, though. Each book will be able to stand on its own.

I'm still working through the toolset I'll be using to publish the eBooks. I haven't made any progress whatsoever on the writing instrument. A typewriter seems as good as Google Docs and Zoho Writer. Seriously. They both suck. Word on a flash drive might be the way to go, with electronic storage on or something like that. I'm not really sure yet. The idea, of course, is to be able to create and edit virtually anywhere (where there's a web connection, of course!) and the only way to do that is via an online tool. I don't want to be a slave to a flash drive, but I also don't want to be stuck when I don't have internet access.

But I digress.

If you have any thoughts on any of the above, I'd like to hear them. Leave me a comment or email me at billspaced at money-hacks dot com.